My workshops, lectures and talks focuses on topics like

- materialdesign
- material semantics​​​​​​​
- material driven design
- material and light
- productdesign and -theory
- ecodesign / sustainability
- leather and leather substitutes
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Bundespreis Ecodesign Trophy 
2021, Three-Dimensional Design, 3rd semester
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
As part of  "Three-Dimensional Design," my students participated in a design competition to create a new trophy for the Bundespreis Ecodesign. Emma Rahe's great & simple design of the trophy was selected and brought to life. ​​​​​​​(Foto ©Emma Rahe)

Semantic effect of a perfume bottle
2024, Three-Dimensional Design, 3rd semester
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd

A bottle is to be designed on the basis of various adjectives, taking into account the semantic effect on the viewer. Students learn a profound understanding of the semantic effect of combinations of form, color and material. To do this, students select an adjective (e.g. elegant, light or sporty) from a word pool, analyze, discuss and evaluate the meaning of the word. Based on this analysis, the students design a bottle that represents the semantic effect of the respective adjective through form language, color and material. 
Foto: Julian Oberenzer
Foto: Julian Oberenzer
Foto: Marie Lammel
Foto: Marie Lammel
Foto: Marc Hackländer
Foto: Marc Hackländer
Foto Simon Bubenzer und Tobias Schulist
Foto Simon Bubenzer und Tobias Schulist
Foto Berit Rink
Foto Berit Rink
Foto Paul Allemaier und Ferdinand Ziebold
Foto Paul Allemaier und Ferdinand Ziebold
Foto Simon Bubenzer und Tobias Schulist
Foto Simon Bubenzer und Tobias Schulist

Bulling, Jessica (2020) „Akzeptanz von ökologischen Materialien am Beispiel
Ledersubstitution“, in Krzywinski, J. and Wölfel, C. (Hrsg.) Design Research
2020. Dresden: TUDpress, p. 187–201.

Bulling, Jessica (2023) „Leather as a Carrier of Meaning“, in Léa Perraudin, Clemens Winkler, Claudia Mareis, and M. H. (Hrsg.) Material Trajectories: Designing with Care? Lüneburg: Meson, S. 227-245.

Bulling, Jessica (2024) "Materials as carriers of meaning : Perception and effect using the example of leather substitution", Dissertation, TU Dresden

Lectures, Teaching Assignments

Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen 
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd WS 2019/20

Farbe und Material 
HS Aalen SS 2020

Einführung in das Produktdesign 
HS Aalen SS 2020

Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen 
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd SS 2020

Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen 
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd WS 2020/21

Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen 
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd SS 2021

Dreidimensionales Gestalten I
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd WS 2021

Dreidimensionales Gestalten II
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd WS 2023/24

Dreidimensionales Gestalten II
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd SS 2024

Dreidimensionales Gestalten II
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd WS 2024/25
Lectures und Workshops

Material Lab, workshop
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, nov. 11.-15.2019

Color and Materials, lecture
HiT Holon, Israel, april 22, 2020

Material and Light, workshop
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, nov. 10.-11,2020

Material & Light, workshop
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, may 04.-05.2021

"The power of pineapple and co – leather substitutes as sensually perceptible symbol carriers“, conference lecture
DGTF, may 08, 2021

"Die Bedeutung von Leder und Lederalternativen in der Gestaltung", conference lecture
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum/ TU Dresden, june 02, 2021

„Leather and Leathersubstitutes – Sustainability, Semantics and Design“, conference lecture
ARS Electronica, sept.10, 2021

Material & Light, workshop
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, nov. 07.-11.2021

Material Semantics, lecture
Designcircle Nürnberg, june 26, 2024

„How to doctorate as a designer“, lecture
Wuppertal Institut, july 2, 2024

Leathersubstitutes, lecture
HEED Institut of the Hochschule Pforzheim, dec. 16, 2024
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